My Story

What is a shuffler you ask? I have been a shuffler all my life really. Shuffling education, career, relationships, health, wealth (and lack thereof), wants, needs, emotions, you name it. I work hard for everything I have and what I have done, and I am proud of that, but it always seemed that I was shuffling this and that to get this and that. I met my wonderful husband and got married in 2008, two weeks before my 38th birthday.

We started to shuffle and immediately tried to have a child because hello I was 38. After seven miscarriages, that is a story for another blog, we were given the greatest miracle ever…my beautiful son! Shuffling through breast feeding, poop, pee, diapers, late nights, early mornings, no sleep, snuggles, and love was life as I knew it. I decided since I was older, most likely not able to have more children (although we tried), and I was enjoying being a parent I took leave from teaching to be the ultimate teacher…a full time mommy!

Our family portrait, courtesy of my son! (FYI: I’m the one on the right – I think.)

I still did stand-up when I wasn’t exhausted and worked as a manager at a comedy club to earn a little extra cash and do what I loved. I was 43, a new mom and exhausted so it did not surprise me too much when in the darkness of the comedy clubs I had a hard time reading my notes and having a blurry spot in my left eye. I am getting old and having a newborn meant no sleep, so I figured it was nature telling me I needed glasses. Well it was telling me that and a bit more, but I wouldn’t find that out for about seven years. Shuffle.